• Jié Li Mi Jrmix

    "Les portails organiques ont le cerveau robotique, ils n’ont pas la conscience divine qui est la conscience supérieure, ils ont une conscience reptilienne = la survie = la peur = l’inquiétude = la logique humaine = la conscience rationnelle et non la connexion avec le cœur =le soi intérieur.

    Même si vous faites tous les efforts du monde pour parler à des portails organiques, cela ne sert à rien de parler avec eux car ils ont le cerveau robotique de repérer les propos du système et ils restent bloqués seulement sur les croyances des idéologies du système, les portails organiques se nourrissent des âmes qui ont la vraie lumière en eux et ils savent comment reconnaître les âmes qui ont l’intelligence divine de la compréhension des mystères du monde .

    Les portails organiques restent que sur la dimension matérielle et non sur les vrais valeurs de la compréhension des mystères du monde, ils vivent dans le niveau le plus bas, il y’a une absence de la compréhension des mystères du monde .

    Nous sommes dans le monde avec des loups, des agneaux, des lions et des brebis, il y’a des individus qui se nourrissent des humains qui ont la source créatrice en eux, cela est une métaphore des loups et les agneaux.

    Soyez prudents comme un serpent et agile comme l’aigle car les loups sont là avec nous et il faut être dans la vigilance."


    Jié Li Mi Jrmix "Les portails organiques ont le cerveau robotique, ils n’ont pas la conscience divine qui est la conscience supérieure, ils ont une conscience reptilienne = la survie = la peur = l’inquiétude = la logique humaine = la conscience rationnelle et non la connexion avec le cœur =le soi intérieur. Même si vous faites tous les efforts du monde pour parler à des portails organiques, cela ne sert à rien de parler avec eux car ils ont le cerveau robotique de repérer les propos du système et ils restent bloqués seulement sur les croyances des idéologies du système, les portails organiques se nourrissent des âmes qui ont la vraie lumière en eux et ils savent comment reconnaître les âmes qui ont l’intelligence divine de la compréhension des mystères du monde . Les portails organiques restent que sur la dimension matérielle et non sur les vrais valeurs de la compréhension des mystères du monde, ils vivent dans le niveau le plus bas, il y’a une absence de la compréhension des mystères du monde . Nous sommes dans le monde avec des loups, des agneaux, des lions et des brebis, il y’a des individus qui se nourrissent des humains qui ont la source créatrice en eux, cela est une métaphore des loups et les agneaux. Soyez prudents comme un serpent et agile comme l’aigle car les loups sont là avec nous et il faut être dans la vigilance." Jérémy. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1387890174980032/posts/1880466952389016
    Académie de l'Éveil | Les portails organiques ont le cerveau robotique, ils n’ont pas la conscience divine qui est la conscience supérieure, ils ont une conscience repti...
    Les portails organiques ont le cerveau robotique, ils n’ont pas la conscience divine qui est la conscience supérieure, ils ont une conscience reptilienne = la survie = la peur = l’inquiétude = la...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1492 Views 0 Reviews
  • "Je vais vous révéler un mystère très très profond .
    Là je vais rentrer dans un mystère profond, c’est de la folie mes propos car cela dépasse la science fiction.
    Cela n’est pas de la science-fiction, c’est bien réel mais je sais que je serai incompris mais je prends le risque de le dire .
    Je vais vous dire comment il y’a des programmes, des personnes sans âmes qui sont sur la terre mais qui sont une fabrication archontique pour être des agents de la matrice afin de se nourrir des âmes qui ont la source créatrice.
    Il y’a dans le plan astral du bas, des entités qui s’incarnent sur la terre mais ils sont le fruit d’une expérience archontique pour vivre dans le système, ces êtres là ont l’ADN archontique et ils ont l’ADN robotique, c’est une technologie archontique, il y’a les égrégores du bas astral, et il y’a les entités, les archontes qui sont juste des êtres qui vivaient dans la galaxie d’andromède, ils ont quitté la galaxie d’andromède pour vivre dans le vaisseau sur la lune afin de surveiller la terre pour capturer les émotions des âmes, la lune est juste un vaisseau avec des ordinateurs, des caméras, des satellites pour bombarder la terre afin de vampiriser les individus par la lourdeur.
    Je prends le risque de vous révéler cela mais je sais que je suis inébranlable car je suis très respecté dans les autres plans, ils prennent la fuite devant ma présence car j’ai le pouvoir créateur en moi tout comme vous avez du pouvoir aussi, nous sommes des Dieux et ces êtres là ont de la jalousie pour nous car nous avions le verbe créateur en nous .
    Je vais revenir sur les programmes, des êtres qui ne sont pas humains sur la terre mais qui se nourrissent des émotions des humains qui résonnent avec la connexion du cœur car ils aiment notre énergie, ils ont été conçu pour se nourrir à travers notre énergie mais nous sommes plus puissants si nous savons comment ne pas entrer dans le jeu des personnes vampirique."

    "Je vais vous révéler un mystère très très profond . Là je vais rentrer dans un mystère profond, c’est de la folie mes propos car cela dépasse la science fiction. Cela n’est pas de la science-fiction, c’est bien réel mais je sais que je serai incompris mais je prends le risque de le dire . Je vais vous dire comment il y’a des programmes, des personnes sans âmes qui sont sur la terre mais qui sont une fabrication archontique pour être des agents de la matrice afin de se nourrir des âmes qui ont la source créatrice. Il y’a dans le plan astral du bas, des entités qui s’incarnent sur la terre mais ils sont le fruit d’une expérience archontique pour vivre dans le système, ces êtres là ont l’ADN archontique et ils ont l’ADN robotique, c’est une technologie archontique, il y’a les égrégores du bas astral, et il y’a les entités, les archontes qui sont juste des êtres qui vivaient dans la galaxie d’andromède, ils ont quitté la galaxie d’andromède pour vivre dans le vaisseau sur la lune afin de surveiller la terre pour capturer les émotions des âmes, la lune est juste un vaisseau avec des ordinateurs, des caméras, des satellites pour bombarder la terre afin de vampiriser les individus par la lourdeur. Je prends le risque de vous révéler cela mais je sais que je suis inébranlable car je suis très respecté dans les autres plans, ils prennent la fuite devant ma présence car j’ai le pouvoir créateur en moi tout comme vous avez du pouvoir aussi, nous sommes des Dieux et ces êtres là ont de la jalousie pour nous car nous avions le verbe créateur en nous . Je vais revenir sur les programmes, des êtres qui ne sont pas humains sur la terre mais qui se nourrissent des émotions des humains qui résonnent avec la connexion du cœur car ils aiment notre énergie, ils ont été conçu pour se nourrir à travers notre énergie mais nous sommes plus puissants si nous savons comment ne pas entrer dans le jeu des personnes vampirique." Jérémy. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1387890174980032/posts/1881043955664649/
    Académie de l'Éveil | Je vais vous révéler un mystère très très profond
    Je vais vous révéler un mystère très très profond . Là je vais rentrer dans un mystère profond, c’est de la folie mes propos car cela dépasse la science fiction. Cela n’est pas de la...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1993 Views 0 Reviews
  • Bonsoir tout le monde !
    Demain 19h30 notre rendez-vous hebdomadaire Jacob Cohen qui nous présentera son livre les noces du commissaire et repondra aux questions.
    L’émission sur différentes plateformes 👇
    Bonsoir tout le monde ! Demain 19h30 notre rendez-vous hebdomadaire Jacob Cohen qui nous présentera son livre les noces du commissaire et repondra aux questions. L’émission sur différentes plateformes 👇 https://www.facebook.com/Alerteursofficiel https://www.facebook.com/groups/299503864468040/?ref=share_group_link https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085232482498 https://twitter.com/les_alerteurs?s=21&t=95lqrNQQrpWVUM4bElDqqg https://youtube.com/channel/UCO77MxhsyznDCmUMamKNBjQ https://twitch.tv/les_alerteurs https://twitch.tv/lesalerteurs2 https://dlive.tv/LesAlerteurs?ref=lesalerteurs https://www.facebook.com/tony.benazzia
    Les Alerteurs - Le Blog
    Les Alerteurs - Le Blog. 8 114 J’aime · 259 en parlent. C'est un mouvement de lanceurs d'alertes composé de citoyens qui luttent pour faire triompher la vérité la paix et l'amour entre les peuples
    0 Comments 0 Shares 895 Views 0 Reviews
  • Je pense que pour une information juste et loyale, tous les médias devraient annoncer QUI les finance. On serait étonné en France des diverses officines se réclamant posséder la vérité et dénonçant les soit-disants "complotistes", être financées par Soros... https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/business/joseph-vazquez/2022/12/06/propaganda-czar-soros-bankrolls-253-groups-influence
    Je pense que pour une information juste et loyale, tous les médias devraient annoncer QUI les finance. On serait étonné en France des diverses officines se réclamant posséder la vérité et dénonçant les soit-disants "complotistes", être financées par Soros... https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/business/joseph-vazquez/2022/12/06/propaganda-czar-soros-bankrolls-253-groups-influence
    0 Comments 0 Shares 874 Views 0 Reviews

    What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can hear, what you can smell, taste and feel, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

    - Morpheus (The Matrix)

    Qu'est-ce que le réel ? Comment définir le réel ? Si vous parlez de ce que vous pouvez entendre, de ce que vous pouvez sentir, goûter et ressentir, alors le réel est simplement des signaux électriques interprétés par votre cerveau.

    - Morpheus (The Matrix)

    Cette guerre de "quatrième génération" déploie des forces d'opérations spéciales (SOF) et des groupes d'opérations psychologiques (POG) de toutes les branches de l'armée, des agences de renseignement gouvernementales, du FBI, de la police, des entrepreneurs de sécurité privés, des premiers intervenants et des groupes civils ("Neighborhood Watch"/"Citizens On Patrol") et religieux en conjonction avec des faux drapeaux, du terrorisme parrainé par l'État et de la guerre météorologique (géoingénierie), de la "surveillance totale/big data", du Global Information Grid (GIG), de l'A. I. (Intelligence Artificielle), de l'intelligence artificielle et de l'informatique. I. (Intelligence Artificielle), PSYOPS, satellites, énergie dirigée/armes "non létales" et neuro-armes, le Réseau Neural Global (esprit de ruche), la torture sans contact, les "intégrations homme-machine" et les superordinateurs d'interface "cerveau-ordinateur" pour le contrôle mental et comportemental des individus et des populations. Ce système identifie, suit, cible et élimine les civils innocents, les dénonciateurs, les critiques de la politique gouvernementale, etc. qui sont secrètement et extrajudiciairement classés comme "menaces"/"adversaires"/"ennemis"/"terroristes", etc. Les planificateurs d'élite s'attendent à ce que d'ici 2030, ces systèmes de guerre par IA et d'asservissement du cerveau soient entièrement automatisés et combinent les éléments ci-dessus avec la 5G, l'Internet des objets (IoT), les SmartCities, les appareils intelligents et le "cerveau unique mondial ;" l'internet.

    This “Fourth Generation” warfare deploys special operations forces (SOFs) and psychological operations groups (POGs) of all military branches, government intelligence agencies, FBI, police, private security contractors, first responders, and civilian (“Neighborhood Watch”/”Citizens On Patrol”) and cult-religious groups in conjunction with false-flag, state-sponsored terrorism and weather warfare (geoengineering), “total surveillance/big data,” Global Information Grid (GIG), A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) supercomputers, PSYOPS, satellites, directed energy/”nonlethal” and neuro-weapons, the Global Neural Network (hive mind), no-touch torture, “man-machine integrations,” and “brain-to-computer” interface supercomputers for mind and behavioral control of individuals and populations. This system identifies, tracks, targets, and eliminates innocent civilians, whistle-blowers, critics of government policy, etc. who are secretly and extra-judicially classified as “threats”/”adversaries”/”enemies”/”terrorists,” etc. Elite planners expect that by 2030, these A.I. warfare and brain subjugation systems will be fully automated and will combine the above elements with 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), SmartCities, Smart devices, and the “one-world brain;” the internet.

    THE SENTIENT WORLD BRAIN SIMULATION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can hear, what you can smell, taste and feel, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. - Morpheus (The Matrix) Qu'est-ce que le réel ? Comment définir le réel ? Si vous parlez de ce que vous pouvez entendre, de ce que vous pouvez sentir, goûter et ressentir, alors le réel est simplement des signaux électriques interprétés par votre cerveau. - Morpheus (The Matrix) Cette guerre de "quatrième génération" déploie des forces d'opérations spéciales (SOF) et des groupes d'opérations psychologiques (POG) de toutes les branches de l'armée, des agences de renseignement gouvernementales, du FBI, de la police, des entrepreneurs de sécurité privés, des premiers intervenants et des groupes civils ("Neighborhood Watch"/"Citizens On Patrol") et religieux en conjonction avec des faux drapeaux, du terrorisme parrainé par l'État et de la guerre météorologique (géoingénierie), de la "surveillance totale/big data", du Global Information Grid (GIG), de l'A. I. (Intelligence Artificielle), de l'intelligence artificielle et de l'informatique. I. (Intelligence Artificielle), PSYOPS, satellites, énergie dirigée/armes "non létales" et neuro-armes, le Réseau Neural Global (esprit de ruche), la torture sans contact, les "intégrations homme-machine" et les superordinateurs d'interface "cerveau-ordinateur" pour le contrôle mental et comportemental des individus et des populations. Ce système identifie, suit, cible et élimine les civils innocents, les dénonciateurs, les critiques de la politique gouvernementale, etc. qui sont secrètement et extrajudiciairement classés comme "menaces"/"adversaires"/"ennemis"/"terroristes", etc. Les planificateurs d'élite s'attendent à ce que d'ici 2030, ces systèmes de guerre par IA et d'asservissement du cerveau soient entièrement automatisés et combinent les éléments ci-dessus avec la 5G, l'Internet des objets (IoT), les SmartCities, les appareils intelligents et le "cerveau unique mondial ;" l'internet. This “Fourth Generation” warfare deploys special operations forces (SOFs) and psychological operations groups (POGs) of all military branches, government intelligence agencies, FBI, police, private security contractors, first responders, and civilian (“Neighborhood Watch”/”Citizens On Patrol”) and cult-religious groups in conjunction with false-flag, state-sponsored terrorism and weather warfare (geoengineering), “total surveillance/big data,” Global Information Grid (GIG), A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) supercomputers, PSYOPS, satellites, directed energy/”nonlethal” and neuro-weapons, the Global Neural Network (hive mind), no-touch torture, “man-machine integrations,” and “brain-to-computer” interface supercomputers for mind and behavioral control of individuals and populations. This system identifies, tracks, targets, and eliminates innocent civilians, whistle-blowers, critics of government policy, etc. who are secretly and extra-judicially classified as “threats”/”adversaries”/”enemies”/”terrorists,” etc. Elite planners expect that by 2030, these A.I. warfare and brain subjugation systems will be fully automated and will combine the above elements with 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), SmartCities, Smart devices, and the “one-world brain;” the internet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LheNcnuEbng
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1691 Views 0 Reviews
  • " Les êtres dragons et lézards et leurs cohortes ici sont dans l'embarras car ils savent qu'ils seront bientôt exposés, alors ils débattent entre eux de ce qu'il faut faire, et fidèles à leur nature, ils ne parviennent pas à se mettre d'accord.
    Ils exploitent les richesses de ce monde depuis 26 000 ans et ont accumulé une grande quantité de richesses (environ 4 000 quadrillions de dollars) en or, argent, platine, diamants, rubis, œuvres d'art et bien d'autres métaux précieux et bijoux, stockés sous terre et comptabilisés dans leurs comptes de garantie, et nous sommes la garantie. C'est ironique, n'est-ce pas ? Ils dirigent également le trafic de drogue, d'êtres humains et d'enfants, ainsi que les syndicats du crime, y compris les gouvernements, les monarchies et les dictateurs. C'est une grosse opération.
    Leur plan était de l'emporter hors de la planète mais leur cupidité a pris le dessus et avant qu'ils puissent l'emporter hors de la planète, les gardiens sont intervenus et ont cassé leurs codes de clôture de fréquence. Ils ont donc moins de choix car ils ne peuvent pas faire exploser notre planète et s'échapper avec leur butin, ils doivent donc choisir entre eux et trouver une solution.
    Ils ont financé toutes les activités criminelles ici, y compris les syndicats du crime, les gouvernements, les industries, les banques, les religions, un assortiment de groupes sociétaux, et toutes les agences secrètes et de renseignement de la planète, comme la CIA et le FBI.
    Ils disposent donc de ces richesses massives dans les comptes collatéraux, mais comment font-ils pour siphonner cet argent dans nos économies et nos systèmes bancaires ?
    Par leurs activités criminelles, la corruption, le blanchiment d'argent, les jeux d'argent, les loteries, etc. Si vous pensez que l'infrastructure gouvernementale est importante, la leur l'est encore plus et inclut de nombreux membres du gouvernement.
    Si vous pensez que l'infrastructure gouvernementale est importante, la leur l'est encore plus, et elle inclut de nombreux membres du gouvernement.
    Toutes les échappatoires permettant aux dragons et aux lézards de s'emparer des richesses de la planète ont été scellées par les gardiens, donc en termes d'échecs, c'est l'impasse.
    Personne ne gagne si tout le monde ne gagne pas.
    J'aimerais parfois ne pas savoir ce genre de choses."

    Colin Joe Byrne

    Texte original :

    "The dragon and lizard beings and their cohorts here are in a quandary because they know that they will soon be exposed so they are debating among themselves about what should be done, and true to their nature, they cannot reach agreement.
    They have been harvesting the wealth of resources here for 26,000 years and have accumulated a large cache of wealth (about 4,000 quadrillion dollars) in gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, rubies, art works, and many other precious metals and jewelry that is stored underground and accounted for in their collateral accounts and we are the collateral. Ironic isn't it. They also run the drug, human and child trafficking, and criminal syndicates, including governments, monarchies, and dictators. It's a big operation.
    Their plan was to take it off-planet but their greed got the better of them and before they could take it off-planet the guardians intervened and broke their frequency fence codes. So they have fewer choices because they can't blow up our planet and escape with their loot, so they have to choose among themselves and find a solution.
    They have funded all the criminal activities here, including crime syndicates, governments, industries, banking, religions, an assortment of societal groups, and all secret agency and intelligence agencies around the planet, like the CIA and FBI.
    So they have this massive wealth in the collateral accounts but how do they siphon this money into our economies and banking systems?
    Through their criminal activities, bribery, money laundering, gambling, lotteries etc. If you think government infrastructure is big, theirs is bigger and includes many in government.
    Well the dragons and lizards may be debating their future, I have some good news for you.
    All the loopholes for the dragons and lizards to take the wealth off planet have been sealed by the guardians, so in chess terms, it is stalemate.
    Nobody wins unless everybody wins.
    I sometimes wish I didn't know this stuff."

    Colin Joe Byrne

    " Les êtres dragons et lézards et leurs cohortes ici sont dans l'embarras car ils savent qu'ils seront bientôt exposés, alors ils débattent entre eux de ce qu'il faut faire, et fidèles à leur nature, ils ne parviennent pas à se mettre d'accord. Ils exploitent les richesses de ce monde depuis 26 000 ans et ont accumulé une grande quantité de richesses (environ 4 000 quadrillions de dollars) en or, argent, platine, diamants, rubis, œuvres d'art et bien d'autres métaux précieux et bijoux, stockés sous terre et comptabilisés dans leurs comptes de garantie, et nous sommes la garantie. C'est ironique, n'est-ce pas ? Ils dirigent également le trafic de drogue, d'êtres humains et d'enfants, ainsi que les syndicats du crime, y compris les gouvernements, les monarchies et les dictateurs. C'est une grosse opération. Leur plan était de l'emporter hors de la planète mais leur cupidité a pris le dessus et avant qu'ils puissent l'emporter hors de la planète, les gardiens sont intervenus et ont cassé leurs codes de clôture de fréquence. Ils ont donc moins de choix car ils ne peuvent pas faire exploser notre planète et s'échapper avec leur butin, ils doivent donc choisir entre eux et trouver une solution. Ils ont financé toutes les activités criminelles ici, y compris les syndicats du crime, les gouvernements, les industries, les banques, les religions, un assortiment de groupes sociétaux, et toutes les agences secrètes et de renseignement de la planète, comme la CIA et le FBI. Ils disposent donc de ces richesses massives dans les comptes collatéraux, mais comment font-ils pour siphonner cet argent dans nos économies et nos systèmes bancaires ? Par leurs activités criminelles, la corruption, le blanchiment d'argent, les jeux d'argent, les loteries, etc. Si vous pensez que l'infrastructure gouvernementale est importante, la leur l'est encore plus et inclut de nombreux membres du gouvernement. Si vous pensez que l'infrastructure gouvernementale est importante, la leur l'est encore plus, et elle inclut de nombreux membres du gouvernement. Toutes les échappatoires permettant aux dragons et aux lézards de s'emparer des richesses de la planète ont été scellées par les gardiens, donc en termes d'échecs, c'est l'impasse. Personne ne gagne si tout le monde ne gagne pas. J'aimerais parfois ne pas savoir ce genre de choses." Colin Joe Byrne Texte original : "The dragon and lizard beings and their cohorts here are in a quandary because they know that they will soon be exposed so they are debating among themselves about what should be done, and true to their nature, they cannot reach agreement. They have been harvesting the wealth of resources here for 26,000 years and have accumulated a large cache of wealth (about 4,000 quadrillion dollars) in gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, rubies, art works, and many other precious metals and jewelry that is stored underground and accounted for in their collateral accounts and we are the collateral. Ironic isn't it. They also run the drug, human and child trafficking, and criminal syndicates, including governments, monarchies, and dictators. It's a big operation. Their plan was to take it off-planet but their greed got the better of them and before they could take it off-planet the guardians intervened and broke their frequency fence codes. So they have fewer choices because they can't blow up our planet and escape with their loot, so they have to choose among themselves and find a solution. They have funded all the criminal activities here, including crime syndicates, governments, industries, banking, religions, an assortment of societal groups, and all secret agency and intelligence agencies around the planet, like the CIA and FBI. So they have this massive wealth in the collateral accounts but how do they siphon this money into our economies and banking systems? Through their criminal activities, bribery, money laundering, gambling, lotteries etc. If you think government infrastructure is big, theirs is bigger and includes many in government. Well the dragons and lizards may be debating their future, I have some good news for you. All the loopholes for the dragons and lizards to take the wealth off planet have been sealed by the guardians, so in chess terms, it is stalemate. Nobody wins unless everybody wins. I sometimes wish I didn't know this stuff." Colin Joe Byrne https://www.facebook.com/aiazmir/posts/pfbid02cDSuJGAewoGyNXX3Sp6hNPP1pRmKXm75efYJEtbvmcaRV1Ayq6pLCGMa3Y5hRhSBl
    Colin Joe Byrne
    The dragon and lizard beings and their cohorts here are in a quandary because they know that they will soon be exposed so they are debating among themselves about what should be done, and true to...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1745 Views 0 Reviews
  • Un document déclassifié montre que le Royaume-Uni savait en temps réel qu'il aidait les groupes terroristes à renverser Kadhafi.

    Declassified Doc Shows UK Knew In Real-Time It Was Helping Terror Groups In Overthrowing Gaddafi

    Un document déclassifié montre que le Royaume-Uni savait en temps réel qu'il aidait les groupes terroristes à renverser Kadhafi. Declassified Doc Shows UK Knew In Real-Time It Was Helping Terror Groups In Overthrowing Gaddafi https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/declassified-doc-shows-uk-knew-real-time-it-was-helping-terror-groups-overthrowing
    Declassified Doc Shows UK Knew In Real-Time It Was Helping Terror Groups In Overthrowing Gaddafi
    Britain’s top military officer during the 2011 has since called it "a grey area."
    0 Comments 0 Shares 880 Views 0 Reviews
  • Des courriels récemment publiés révèlent des détails cruciaux sur les efforts de Fauci pour dissimuler les origines de la pandémie | Truth Over News

    Newly Released Emails Reveal Crucial Details of Fauci’s Efforts to Cover Up the Origins of the Pandemic | Truth Over News

    Once again, it appears that the science of COVID-19 and its origins is the science that is conducted among small groups of insiders behind closed doors.

    Newly released government emails from early February 2020 reveal that additional secret teleconferences took place among a group of Fauci-funded scientists in the early days of the pandemic.

    Up to now, we knew of the Feb. 1 secret teleconference that had been convened by Fauci. We also knew that scientists at the Feb. 1 teleconference privately concluded that the virus most likely came out of the Wuhan lab. And we knew that by Feb. 4, those scientists had written a paper that dismissed the lab leak theory.

    What we did not know is that the same scientists continued having secret teleconferences to discuss the virus’s origins even after they wrote their paper. At least two of those conferences were attended by Fauci himself.

    The new emails were obtained by the transparency group US Right to Know, but—as is now the norm for Freedom of Information Act requests from the federal government—the emails are almost completely redacted.

    Piecing together the newly released emails with other emails that were released earlier, we can now put together an updated timeline of events after the initial Feb. 1 secret teleconference.

    Des courriels récemment publiés révèlent des détails cruciaux sur les efforts de Fauci pour dissimuler les origines de la pandémie | Truth Over News Newly Released Emails Reveal Crucial Details of Fauci’s Efforts to Cover Up the Origins of the Pandemic | Truth Over News JEFF CARLSON AND HANS MAHNCKE Once again, it appears that the science of COVID-19 and its origins is the science that is conducted among small groups of insiders behind closed doors. Newly released government emails from early February 2020 reveal that additional secret teleconferences took place among a group of Fauci-funded scientists in the early days of the pandemic. Up to now, we knew of the Feb. 1 secret teleconference that had been convened by Fauci. We also knew that scientists at the Feb. 1 teleconference privately concluded that the virus most likely came out of the Wuhan lab. And we knew that by Feb. 4, those scientists had written a paper that dismissed the lab leak theory. What we did not know is that the same scientists continued having secret teleconferences to discuss the virus’s origins even after they wrote their paper. At least two of those conferences were attended by Fauci himself. The new emails were obtained by the transparency group US Right to Know, but—as is now the norm for Freedom of Information Act requests from the federal government—the emails are almost completely redacted. Piecing together the newly released emails with other emails that were released earlier, we can now put together an updated timeline of events after the initial Feb. 1 secret teleconference. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/newly-released-emails-reveal-crucial-details-of-faucis-efforts-to-cover-up-the-origins-of-the-pandemic-truth-over-news_4518133.html
    Newly Released Emails Reveal Crucial Details of Fauci’s Efforts to Cover Up the Origins of the Pandemic | Truth Over News
    Once again, it appears that the science of COVID-19 and its origins is the science that is conducted ...
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  • Publi de 2020 qui est remontée sur mon fil d'actu FB, sur la 5G et la manipulation des merdias :

    "Informations importantes.
    Je vous suggère chaudement d'aller regarder le reportage de TVA ci inclus après avoir terminé de lire ceci.


    Vous avez ici un excellent exemple de contrôle de l'information et de manipulation psychologique.
    D'abord, les différents extraits d'entrevues nous sont présentés d'une manière qui provoque une certaine confusion en nous. Les gens interviewés sont calmes et posés, avec un discours très cohérent, qui défendent des causes qui nous semblent légitimes. De l'autre côté, la voix hors champ nous indique que toutes ces personnes ont comme point commun d'être des suiveux de leaders d'extrême droite. Encore une fois avec une voix calme. Presque bienveillante même.
    On laisse les gens parler et on ne les montre pas comme étants dérangés, mais dans le discours qui accompagne les extraits c'est ce qu'on nous dit. Et quand on reçoit ainsi deux informations contradictoires, le cerveau ne sait pas qu'elle information sélectionner, et on se sent mélangé. On appelle ça une dissonance cognitive.
    Quand ceci se produit, la porte est ouverte dans le cerveau, qui cherche a s'arrêter sur un choix. La journaliste utilise donc à ce moment cette porte pour vous programmer une croyance choisie. Celle que finalement, ces gens, les "complotistes", sont dérangés et dangereux.
    Votre cerveau accepté ce choix qui le fait sortir de la dissonance et concrètement, vous, vous êtes convaincus d'avoir bien été informés.
    Un travail journalistique rigoureux devrait nous montrer tous les côtés d'une situation sans prendre position. Ça c'est l'idéal journalistique. Et ça fait bien longtemps que ça n'est plus comme ça que les médias fonctionnent.
    Je vous mets ici des liens pour aller voir le travail de différentes personnes interviewées ici. Si vous désirez être réellement informés, à partir des faits et non à partir d'opinions imposées, je vous recommande vraiment d'investir les quelques heures nécessaires pour aller chercher directement à la source.
    Ne soyez pas naïfs. Les médias brassent de très gros sous. Plusieurs des gens impliqués vendraient leurs mères alors ne croyez pas qu'ils se gêneront pour sacrifier votre santé.
    Et, réfléchissez a ça 2 secondes. TVA, ça appartient à Vidéotron, Québecor... Croyez sincèrement qu'ils auraient avantage a vous faire découvrir que la 5G c'est dangereux pour vous?
    On doit être responsables de nous même et de notre sort. Dès maintenant. Et on est capables. Je vous le dit, on est capables. Parce que si on s'occupe pas de nous même, y a du monde qui sont bien contents de s'occuper de nous, à leur avantage. Faites les donc vos recherches une fois pour toutes. Vous verrez bien. Et vous déciderez par vous même. 😊 En général on n'aime pas trop ça se faire dire quoi faire. C'est le bon temps pour le démontrer, ma gang de québécois vous autres.
    Ce texte vous parle ?

    MERCI de partager en grand nombre, EN COPIANT COLLANT CE TEXTE À VOTRE PUBLICATION, sinon les gens ne verront que l'article de tva et n'auront aucune des informations que je viens de vous partager.


    Il importe de bien faire les choses pour être efficaceS dans la transmission de l'information.
    Merci de votre implication, de vos efforts et de votre lumière! On est beaux debout tous ensemble !!"

    Frédéric Pitre appel a la liberté : https://www.facebook.com/groups/529813801063194/?ref=share

    Paul Héroux, professeur à l'université McGill, spécialiste des ondes électromagnétiques :

    Pour un moratoire sur la 5G Laurentides :

    Mouvement pour un moratoire sur la 5G
    #eveil #conscience #controlepsychologique #mediasmanipules #lumiere #savoircestavoirdupouvoir #amour #ensembleonnestpasseuls #mouvementcollectifeveilconscience #clanduquebec

    Source :
    Publi de 2020 qui est remontée sur mon fil d'actu FB, sur la 5G et la manipulation des merdias : "Informations importantes. Je vous suggère chaudement d'aller regarder le reportage de TVA ci inclus après avoir terminé de lire ceci. https://www.tvanouvelles.ca/2020/06/20/les-dangers-de-la-5g-un-prof-de-mcgill-alimente-les-complots Vous avez ici un excellent exemple de contrôle de l'information et de manipulation psychologique. D'abord, les différents extraits d'entrevues nous sont présentés d'une manière qui provoque une certaine confusion en nous. Les gens interviewés sont calmes et posés, avec un discours très cohérent, qui défendent des causes qui nous semblent légitimes. De l'autre côté, la voix hors champ nous indique que toutes ces personnes ont comme point commun d'être des suiveux de leaders d'extrême droite. Encore une fois avec une voix calme. Presque bienveillante même. On laisse les gens parler et on ne les montre pas comme étants dérangés, mais dans le discours qui accompagne les extraits c'est ce qu'on nous dit. Et quand on reçoit ainsi deux informations contradictoires, le cerveau ne sait pas qu'elle information sélectionner, et on se sent mélangé. On appelle ça une dissonance cognitive. Quand ceci se produit, la porte est ouverte dans le cerveau, qui cherche a s'arrêter sur un choix. La journaliste utilise donc à ce moment cette porte pour vous programmer une croyance choisie. Celle que finalement, ces gens, les "complotistes", sont dérangés et dangereux. Votre cerveau accepté ce choix qui le fait sortir de la dissonance et concrètement, vous, vous êtes convaincus d'avoir bien été informés. Un travail journalistique rigoureux devrait nous montrer tous les côtés d'une situation sans prendre position. Ça c'est l'idéal journalistique. Et ça fait bien longtemps que ça n'est plus comme ça que les médias fonctionnent. Je vous mets ici des liens pour aller voir le travail de différentes personnes interviewées ici. Si vous désirez être réellement informés, à partir des faits et non à partir d'opinions imposées, je vous recommande vraiment d'investir les quelques heures nécessaires pour aller chercher directement à la source. Ne soyez pas naïfs. Les médias brassent de très gros sous. Plusieurs des gens impliqués vendraient leurs mères alors ne croyez pas qu'ils se gêneront pour sacrifier votre santé. Et, réfléchissez a ça 2 secondes. TVA, ça appartient à Vidéotron, Québecor... Croyez sincèrement qu'ils auraient avantage a vous faire découvrir que la 5G c'est dangereux pour vous? On doit être responsables de nous même et de notre sort. Dès maintenant. Et on est capables. Je vous le dit, on est capables. Parce que si on s'occupe pas de nous même, y a du monde qui sont bien contents de s'occuper de nous, à leur avantage. Faites les donc vos recherches une fois pour toutes. Vous verrez bien. Et vous déciderez par vous même. 😊 En général on n'aime pas trop ça se faire dire quoi faire. C'est le bon temps pour le démontrer, ma gang de québécois vous autres. Ce texte vous parle ? MERCI de partager en grand nombre, EN COPIANT COLLANT CE TEXTE À VOTRE PUBLICATION, sinon les gens ne verront que l'article de tva et n'auront aucune des informations que je viens de vous partager. MERCI. PARTAGEZ EN MASSE POUR QUE LES GENS COMPRENNENT. Il importe de bien faire les choses pour être efficaceS dans la transmission de l'information. Merci de votre implication, de vos efforts et de votre lumière! On est beaux debout tous ensemble !!" Frédéric Pitre appel a la liberté : https://www.facebook.com/groups/529813801063194/?ref=share Paul Héroux, professeur à l'université McGill, spécialiste des ondes électromagnétiques : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9FjyZCYhSc Pour un moratoire sur la 5G Laurentides : https://www.facebook.com/groups/2281959232017693/?ref=share Mouvement pour un moratoire sur la 5G https://www.facebook.com/.../permalink/2608640122682934/ #eveil #conscience #controlepsychologique #mediasmanipules #lumiere #savoircestavoirdupouvoir #amour #ensembleonnestpasseuls #mouvementcollectifeveilconscience #clanduquebec Source : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1441867032664362/posts/1450813358436396/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2152 Views 0 Reviews
  • President Eisenhower's Extraterrestrial Legacy: Interview with Laura Eisenhower
    "In this Exopolitics Today interview, Laura Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of President 'Ike' Eisenhower, discusses how she got involved in UFO and esoteric related topics. She discusses her family background and the meetings Ike had with different extraterrestrial groups, especially with Valiant Thor. Laura explains how Ike was betrayed by the MJ-12 Group which made agreements with a negative extraterrestrial group without his approval that led to him being on the verge of authorizing the US Army to invade Area 51 to take control of classified extraterrestrial projects. She also explains an attempt by the Deep State/Cabal to recruit her to go to Mars 2006, where she would have been prevented from taking part in the great awakening happening right now on Earth. Laura shares her many insights into metaphysics, astrology, key figures in her spiritual work, and humanity's great awakening."
    Dr Michael Salla

    President Eisenhower's Extraterrestrial Legacy: Interview with Laura Eisenhower "In this Exopolitics Today interview, Laura Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of President 'Ike' Eisenhower, discusses how she got involved in UFO and esoteric related topics. She discusses her family background and the meetings Ike had with different extraterrestrial groups, especially with Valiant Thor. Laura explains how Ike was betrayed by the MJ-12 Group which made agreements with a negative extraterrestrial group without his approval that led to him being on the verge of authorizing the US Army to invade Area 51 to take control of classified extraterrestrial projects. She also explains an attempt by the Deep State/Cabal to recruit her to go to Mars 2006, where she would have been prevented from taking part in the great awakening happening right now on Earth. Laura shares her many insights into metaphysics, astrology, key figures in her spiritual work, and humanity's great awakening." Dr Michael Salla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGO2O_HTcV8
    0 Comments 0 Shares 771 Views 0 Reviews
  • 79 raisons documentées de refuser le vaccin anti covid qui se résument ainsi

    No, I Don’t Want Your Shot. Here's Why. (UPDATED: May 4/22)
    79 reasons (and growing)
    James Edward Taylor
    Apr 22

    I want to point out the essential absurdity in this exercise, and I hope you see it:

    A for-profit company releases a product and every person on the planet is forced to come up with reasons why they don’t want it.

    This is insanity.

    For any other product, in any universe that made sense, we would say it’s the profiting company’s responsibility to convince people that its product is worth consuming, not the other way around.

    The fact that they’ve achieved widespread, rushed, unquestioned consumption (and widespread vilification against anyone who has not) can only be explained by propagandistic manipulation.

    Over and over, I find that when I present this information to people, they had no earthly clue. They had no clue because they didn’t bother to question or look into it. They wanted something to be true, and they behaved accordingly. They wanted the shots to be the end of COVID, so they lined up for them.

    I am a critical thinker. I do not consume things blindly. I research. I think about things. I question.

    I’m not “hesitant”. The research is clear.

    No, thank you. I do not want it. You can cradle your shots to Hell.

    Is that clear enough?

    If you’re trying to sell me a product, you better make a convincing case.

    My concerns have not been alleviated over the past year plus. They have grown.

    I’m not telling anyone what to do. That’s their choice. These are my reasons for not taking the shot.

    Broadly, they break down into four categories:

    1. I’m not convinced of the safety. (38 reasons)

    2. I’m not convinced of the necessity. (11 reasons)

    3. I’m not convinced of the efficacy, (i.e., it’s not working.) (15 reasons)

    4. I’m not convinced of the honesty of the actors involved. (15 reasons)

    Put positively, at this point, I’m convinced these shots are not safe, not necessary, not efficacious, and that the actors involved have been dishonest in manipulating public opinion for their products.

    Follow the links I provide. Think. Decide for yourself.

    Here we go…

    A. Lack of Safety:
    1. Spike protein is harmful to the blood vessels and organs. Whether by infection or by shot, spike protein causes vascular endotheliitis, which means clotting in the entire vascular system. The shot causes the recipent’s body to produce more spike protein. Should be end of discussion, but somehow, it’s just the beginning. Salk Institute research study.(Apr 30/21)

    2. The lipid nanoparticles cross the blood-brain barrier. In fact, lipid nanoparticles are used in other drugs to specifically overcome the blood-brain barrier. They’re good at it. But in the case of this drug, BAD. If spike proteins express in the brain, we have brain inflammation, clotting, and a host of neurological problems, like GBS, Bell’s Palsy, stroke, etc.

    3. We’ve been warned, repeatedly, of vaccine-enhanced disease: “The wrong vaccine could makes things worse” by turning on the immune system too strongly. This is why coronavirus vaccines have been so difficult to make in the past. (Apr 19/20)

    4. Disease enhancement is a historically well-known problem for past attempts at developing a coronavirus vaccine. The animals in those vaccine trials suffered pathogenic priming, or disease enhancement, which caused inflammation throughout their bodies, and/or killed the animals. (Mar 5/20)

    5. People with ACE2 deficiency tend to be more prone to severe COVID-19. The spike protein suppresses ACE2. So, more spike protein makes the deficiency even worse. (Apr 20/20)

    6. Serious adverse events in trials: Twenty percent of the subjects in the high dose cohort (250 mcg) suffered a “Grade 3 systemic event” (defined by the FDA as “preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention”) within 43 days of receiving Moderna shot. Analysis here. (May 18/20)

    7. The spike protein in these mRNA shots has been genetically altered to prevent the ACE2 receptors from properly closing, which causes the recipient to downregulate ACE2. This leads to increased risk for pulmonary hypertension, ventricular heart failure, and stroke. (Jul/20)

    8. Spike protein has an inflammatory effect on brain endothelial cells, altering the function of the blood-brain barrier, allowing them to cross more easily. Not good. Two studies. (Dec/20)

    9. Pfizer’s own trial data show a 300% increase in risk of adverse events—including death—in exchange for a 0.84% risk reduction for contracting COVID--a risk to benefit ratio that’s not just low, but obscene.

    10. This is the first time, ever, that polyethylene glycol has been used in an injection. These researchers identify it as the cause of anaphylaxis. (Apr/21)

    11. This paper, published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research, is forty-two pages discussing the unintended consequences of rushed-to-market shots, including the relationship of spike protein to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, and prion diseases. (May 26/21)

    12. Pfizer’s Japanese Biodistribution study found that lipid nanoparticles from the shot have been found in every organ in the body (possibly carried by lymph), overwhelmingly in the ovaries. So, no, they do not stay localized to the injection site, as we’ve been reassured. (Jun 14/21)

    13. We were told spike protein might survive in the human body for about six months. A more recent investigation found the spike protein persisted in recovered COVID patients for 15 months. Who knows how long they will persist with boosters? (Jun 25/21)

    14. This peer-reviewed paper said: “best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation versus those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic. The risk of death from COVID-19 decreases drastically as age decreases, and the longer-term effects of the inoculations on lower age groups will increase their risk-benefit ratio, perhaps substantially.” (Sep 17/21)

    15. This peer-reviewed paper said: “for 6 deaths prevented by vaccination, there were approximately 4 deaths reported … that occurred after vaccination, yielding a potential risk/benefit ratio of 2:3.” (Aug/21)

    16. Pfizer’s own study showed 4X the deaths from cardiac arrest in the group that got the shot. (Sep 15/21)

    17. This analysis shows that the NNTV (Number needed to vaccinate) for children aged 5-11 makes the risk-benefit analysis for that age group obscenely high. In the author’s words: “To put it simply… for every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.”

    18. The authors of this study found that natural immunity is impaired by taking on vaccinated immunity, making people more vulnerable to new variants. (Sep 27/21)

    19. These doctors felt compelled by conscience to write the FDA concerning an alarming number of post-injection injuries and fatalities they’d seen in their ICU ward. And eleven other doctors followed their example. (Nov 1/21)

    20. Devastating testimonies by people severely injured by these shots. (Nov 8/21)

    21. It’s killing children. The CDC published an analysis of 14 children who died after getting their COVID shots (but failed to include an actual analysis). (Nov 11/21)

    22. 17,000 physicians and medical scientists signed a public declaration against vaccinating children for COVID-19 because of the dangerous and potentially fatal consequences of altering the genes to produce toxic spike protein, which could cause irreparable and irreversible damage. (Dec 14/21)

    23. VAERS: The CDC’s vaccine surveillance system has just surpassed 1 million adverse event reports (1,016,999 as of 12/31/21) for the COVID vaccines, including 21,382 deaths, making these, by far and away, the deadliest vaccines ever administered. The deaths include 71 children under the age of 18. (Dec 31/21)

    24. Nearly a quarter of the deaths (5,252) occurred within the first forty-eight hours following injection. That is not a statistical coincidence or “background noise.” Any student of statistics will tell you this is causation. (Dec 31/21)

    25. The CDC admits that adverse events are underreported in VAERS by a factor of 6.5. Multiply the above numbers by 6.5 and you begin to understand the horror of mass injecting entire populaces (and why we don’t do it). (Dec 31/21)

    26. Insurance companies are reporting an alarming 40% rise in mortality of working age people (18-64 years old), in 2021, the year of mass vaccination.

    27. Independent research conducted by these doctors suggests that “the vast majority of deaths that occur after vaccination are, in fact, caused by the jabs”. (Jan 2/22). You can find their research paper here.

    28. This nurse, testifying at a Louisiana House Health and Welfare Committee hearing, said her hospital is witnessing blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, encephalopathy and heart arrhythmia following COVID vaccination, and staff are failing to report anything to the VAERS, and that most medical professionals in her hospital aren’t even aware VAERS exists. (Jan 6/22)

    29. This study from Denmark shows negative Omicron efficacy (meaning the vaccinated were MORE susceptible to the virus than the unvaccinated), adding further confirmation that vaccination impairs one’s immunity against new variants. (Jan 7/22)

    30. Nobel laureate in medicine Professor Luc Montagnier warns of the prion component of the shots, which are “capable of introducing protein modifications in an unpredictable way. As a doctor I knew 21 people who received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, there is another person who received Moderna. The 21 died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease caused by prions.” (Jan 13/22)

    31. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases publishes a paper on the risk of prion disease following the shots. (Jan 18/22)

    32. I don’t want myocarditis. 98 studies linking myocarditis with the shots. (Feb 2/22)

    33. We’re up to 148 studies (and counting) which highlight the risks of these shots. (Feb 2/22)

    34. This Nature Medicine paper shows a clear association with myocarditis after vaccination. (Feb/22)

    35. In this preprint study, the authors found that the Pfizer shot downregulated critical mitochondrial functions in the brain. (Mar 2/21)

    36. Using the CDC’s own data, we can see that the shots will hospitalize ten times the children (ages 5-11) than it will save. (Mar 18/22)

    37. VAERS Update: As of March 25, 2022, VAERS has logged 26,396 COVID jab related deaths. (17,234 from Pfizer shots). Key adverse events reported in massive numbers include miscarriages, heart attacks, myopericarditis, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), shingles, Bell’s
    palsy and a variety of permanent disabilities, many of which involve neurological
    dysfunction. (Mar 25/22)

    38. A report showing 992 young athletes who have collapsed (and 644 who have died) due to cardiac arrest while playing their sport, since receiving COVID shots. (Apr 26/22)

    B. Lack of Necessity
    1. The COVID mortality rate for my age bracket is 0.08%. About the same odds of accidentally drowning. And that’s only accounting for age. Not even considering other risk factors such as obesity, vit-D deficiency, prior health conditions (none of which I have) so lowers my mortality risk so close to zero it’s not even worth discussing. COVID-19 Mortality Risk for Non-Elderly (Apr 8/20)

    2. COVID is way less deadly than we initially thought. German virologist explains. (May 5/20)

    3. Doctors have developed early treatment protocols which are effective and safe, and carry none of the risks of the mRNA shots. (Dec/20)

    4. Israelis who had an infection were more protected against the Delta coronavirus variant than those who had a vaccine. Science article (which amusingly does its best to include “highly effective” and “vital” as many times as possible, in spite of the research findings.) (Aug 26/21)

    5. This study in the European Journal of Immunology demonstrates that natural immunity from prior infection is both durable and longer-lasting than vaccinated immunity. (Sep 27/21)

    6. This preprint study shows that recovered immunity is far stronger than vaccinated protection. (Nov 20/21)

    7. The Indian province of Uttar Pradesh eradicated their COVID death curve by distributing a care package to their populace consisting of repurposed drugs and supplements. If we really wanted population immunity, we could be doing this. (Jan 15/22)

    8. 150 Research studies (and counting) confirm the superiority of naturally-acquired immunity to vaccinated immunity. List of studies as of Feb/22.

    9. My age group has a 99.632% recovery rate from COVID. Again, just accounting for age, not considering other health factors and treatments, which tip this number even higher. (Feb 24/22)

    10. There are more than 1600 studies showing safety and efficacy of off-the-shelf medicines in dealing with COVID. (Apr 6/22)

    11. 72 countries have approved early treatments for COVID. The official US line, of course, is that no such early treatments exist or are to be discussed. (Apr 6/22)

    C. Lack of Efficacy (It’s not working…)
    1. It’s not working #1 ALL of the monkeys in these trials became infected when challenged with the live virus. Hmm. Forbes (May 16/20)

    2. It’s not working #2 This CDC paper: “three-quarters of cases occurred in fully vaccinated people.” Also from the same paper: “The viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the coronavirus is similar,” a polite way of saying the vaccine doesn’t reduce viral load. (Aug 6/21)

    3. It’s not working #3: This study showed a "marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people." In plain speak: more vaxxed = more cases. Note the position of Israel: they vaxxed earliest and hardest and now are standing at the highest cases in the world. (Aug 17/21)

    4. It’s not working #4 Whistleblower data: 90% of the individuals admitted to [the] hospital were documented to have received this vaccine. (Oct 17/21)

    5. It’s not working #5: Hospitals are full of vaccinated patients. (Nov 9/21)

    6. It’s not working #6: Despite 9 months of shots, 2021 COVID deaths have already surpassed 2020, and that’s only counting up to October. (Nov 22/21)

    7. It’s not working #7 Despite massive uptake by the elderly, the elderly death rate has not declined at all. In fact, in the 65 to 74 category, it has increased. (Dec 4/21)

    8. It’s not working #8: Despite near 100% vaccination rates in certain countries and states, cases have nevertheless exploded. The vaccines, clearly, do not reduce cases. (Dec 11/21)

    9. It’s not working #9, and no wonder, because it cannot work, according to these researchers. The reason: the COVID shots produce the wrong type of antibodies. “Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2.” (Dec 15/21)

    10. It’s not working #10: This analysis reiterates: When you are injected with the COVID jab, your body will only induce IgG and circulating IgA — not secretory IgA, and these types of antibodies do not effectively protect your mucous membranes from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Wrong antibodies = no protection. (Dec 18/21)

    11. It’s not working #11: COVID outbreak in a fully vaxxed Antarctic research station. (Jan 1/22)

    12. It’s not working #12: All-cause mortality is at a historic high, despite a year of the shots. (Jan 3/22)

    13. It’s not working #13: COVID outbreaks on fully vaccinated cruise ships. (Jan 4/22) “All 92 cruise ships currently sailing in U.S. waters had people on board infected by COVID-19.” (Jan 6/22)

    14. It’s not working #14: The latest UK data reveals that vaccinated individuals comprise the majority of all hospitalizations and deaths in the over-50 group, (Jan 6/22)

    15. It’s not working #15: All cause mortality was higher in 2021 (the year of mass vaccination) than 2020 (the year of no vaccination). (Jan/22)

    D. The Dishonesty of the Actors Involved
    1. Rushed-to-market… before there even was a market. Here’s a Nature article warning about not rushing the shipment of COVID vaccines… in March of 2020?? Moderna had already shipped its mRNA vaccine to the NIAID. Unbelievable. (Mar 16/20)

    2. Mass vaccinations have a criminal track record: For example, the swine flu vaccine in 2009 led to severe neurological damage and lawsuits in the millions.

    3. Peter Doshi, associate editor of the BMJ, criticizes the way the trials are being conducted, rushed, and ill-thought out. (Nov 26/20)

    4. One cornerstone of scientific research is that when you run an experimental trial, you run a control group. This tells you if the thing you’re testing for is actually working. However, Pfizer and Moderna eliminated their control groups, which appears to have been deliberate. (I’m all too happy to stay in the control group.) (Feb/21)

    5. Relative vs. Absolute Efficacy. Pfizer and Moderna reported relative risk reduction (over the control groups) of 94%-95%. Sounds wonderful, until you calculate the absolute risk reduction (i.e., the risk reduction for the whole population, considered vs. background risk), which turns out to be more like 0.7% to 1%. This is an outcome reporting bias, used to mislead the public. Would most people risk these shots if they knew that they only offered a 0.7% increase in protection? (Feb 26/21)

    6. This paper highlights many of the important flaws in the phase III clinical trials: the lack of absolute risk reduction calculations (and consequent reporting bias), conflicting study protocols, conflicting definitions of “case”, which populations were excluded from the trials, which endpoints were being measured, etc. Moreover, the authors point out these studies base their efficacy results only on the presence or not of mild infection not (as we have been told) on preventing hospitalization, severe disease, or death, nor on preventing transmission. (Apr 20/21)

    7. Certain physicians are being blocked from filing VAERS reports. So much for monitoring safety signals. (Oct/21)

    8. This Yale study, examined the best methods of public messaging to increase vaccine uptake, including safety and effectiveness, before anything could possibly be known about safety and effectiveness. They considered guilt, anger, self interest, duty to society, trust in science, embarrassment, etc. Months of manipulative public messaging and ostracism from your friends and colleagues came from this. (Oct/21)

    9. The extremely shady way that Pfizer trials skipped safety protocols, gamed the statistics (by only testing on young healthy people and excluding riskier groups), and completely ignored natural immunity. See this video.

    10. The CDC admits that they have no data showing a naturally infected and recovered patient transmitting the virus, despite repeatedly claiming that vaccinated immunity is superior to natural immunity. (Nov 11/21)

    11. Pharmacists are being pressured to give the vaccine in the defiance of international laws on informed consent, and without even being informed themselves. (Dec 24/21)

    12. The egregious bait and switch that the public fell for: there is no FDA approved vaccine available in the US. The Pfizer “approval” that you heard about in the media was merely an extension of the EUA (emergency use authorization) that makes an experimental drug available in an emergency. The approval was for Comirnaty, not one vial of which is available in the US. So, the unsuspecting public thinks “I’m taking an FDA-approved product”, but the manufacturer gets to still enjoy the liability shield afforded them by the EUA. Neat trick, pharma. (Dec 29/21)

    13. Definitional games. By not counting the boosted as "boosted" until 2 weeks after the shot, everyone who gets COVID during this phase, despite the booster, are not counted as "boosted", making the booster look far more effective than it is. (There’s a name for this: it’s called fraud.) (Jan 16/22)

    14. Shameless fiddling with efficacy stats, such as dropping all COVID events (cases, hospitalizations, and deaths) if they occur within 14 days of the shot (and misapplying these events to the “unvaccinated” cohort, making them look much worse.) Anything can be made to look wonderful if you ignore all the bad stuff. (Jan 20/22)

    15. “The CDC isn’t publishing large portions of the COVID data it collects.” The NY Times article title says it all. They have data that they admit to hiding because it will cause “vaccine hesitancy”. Now, if the vaccine data is wonderful, why would it do that? (Feb 20/22)

    *NOTE: this is intended as a living document. I’ll be adding points to it as time allows (I have a private list with hundreds upon hundreds of points of evidence to add). I posted it “incomplete” in order to be able to have a quick reference to pull up any time a friend or acquaintance says “You haven’t had your COVID shots??”, as if I had masochistically turned down a direct gift from the gods.

    If you have a particularly salient point that you feel should be added, please add it to the comments along with a link backing up your claim. I will read it, think about it, and add it as time allows.

    **NOTE 2: I’m open to reason. If you can convince me a concern that I’ve listed here is not a concern, i.e., that I have misunderstood something or misinterpreted the data or the logic involved, I will remove it. If you get me down to zero, I will take your shot. Good luck.


    79 raisons documentées de refuser le vaccin anti covid qui se résument ainsi No, I Don’t Want Your Shot. Here's Why. (UPDATED: May 4/22) 79 reasons (and growing) James Edward Taylor Apr 22 I want to point out the essential absurdity in this exercise, and I hope you see it: A for-profit company releases a product and every person on the planet is forced to come up with reasons why they don’t want it. This is insanity. For any other product, in any universe that made sense, we would say it’s the profiting company’s responsibility to convince people that its product is worth consuming, not the other way around. The fact that they’ve achieved widespread, rushed, unquestioned consumption (and widespread vilification against anyone who has not) can only be explained by propagandistic manipulation. Over and over, I find that when I present this information to people, they had no earthly clue. They had no clue because they didn’t bother to question or look into it. They wanted something to be true, and they behaved accordingly. They wanted the shots to be the end of COVID, so they lined up for them. I am a critical thinker. I do not consume things blindly. I research. I think about things. I question. I’m not “hesitant”. The research is clear. No, thank you. I do not want it. You can cradle your shots to Hell. Is that clear enough? If you’re trying to sell me a product, you better make a convincing case. My concerns have not been alleviated over the past year plus. They have grown. I’m not telling anyone what to do. That’s their choice. These are my reasons for not taking the shot. Broadly, they break down into four categories: 1. I’m not convinced of the safety. (38 reasons) 2. I’m not convinced of the necessity. (11 reasons) 3. I’m not convinced of the efficacy, (i.e., it’s not working.) (15 reasons) 4. I’m not convinced of the honesty of the actors involved. (15 reasons) Put positively, at this point, I’m convinced these shots are not safe, not necessary, not efficacious, and that the actors involved have been dishonest in manipulating public opinion for their products. Follow the links I provide. Think. Decide for yourself. Here we go… A. Lack of Safety: 1. Spike protein is harmful to the blood vessels and organs. Whether by infection or by shot, spike protein causes vascular endotheliitis, which means clotting in the entire vascular system. The shot causes the recipent’s body to produce more spike protein. Should be end of discussion, but somehow, it’s just the beginning. Salk Institute research study.(Apr 30/21) 2. The lipid nanoparticles cross the blood-brain barrier. In fact, lipid nanoparticles are used in other drugs to specifically overcome the blood-brain barrier. They’re good at it. But in the case of this drug, BAD. If spike proteins express in the brain, we have brain inflammation, clotting, and a host of neurological problems, like GBS, Bell’s Palsy, stroke, etc. 3. We’ve been warned, repeatedly, of vaccine-enhanced disease: “The wrong vaccine could makes things worse” by turning on the immune system too strongly. This is why coronavirus vaccines have been so difficult to make in the past. (Apr 19/20) 4. Disease enhancement is a historically well-known problem for past attempts at developing a coronavirus vaccine. The animals in those vaccine trials suffered pathogenic priming, or disease enhancement, which caused inflammation throughout their bodies, and/or killed the animals. (Mar 5/20) 5. People with ACE2 deficiency tend to be more prone to severe COVID-19. The spike protein suppresses ACE2. So, more spike protein makes the deficiency even worse. (Apr 20/20) 6. Serious adverse events in trials: Twenty percent of the subjects in the high dose cohort (250 mcg) suffered a “Grade 3 systemic event” (defined by the FDA as “preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention”) within 43 days of receiving Moderna shot. Analysis here. (May 18/20) 7. The spike protein in these mRNA shots has been genetically altered to prevent the ACE2 receptors from properly closing, which causes the recipient to downregulate ACE2. This leads to increased risk for pulmonary hypertension, ventricular heart failure, and stroke. (Jul/20) 8. Spike protein has an inflammatory effect on brain endothelial cells, altering the function of the blood-brain barrier, allowing them to cross more easily. Not good. Two studies. (Dec/20) 9. Pfizer’s own trial data show a 300% increase in risk of adverse events—including death—in exchange for a 0.84% risk reduction for contracting COVID--a risk to benefit ratio that’s not just low, but obscene. 10. This is the first time, ever, that polyethylene glycol has been used in an injection. These researchers identify it as the cause of anaphylaxis. (Apr/21) 11. This paper, published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research, is forty-two pages discussing the unintended consequences of rushed-to-market shots, including the relationship of spike protein to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, and prion diseases. (May 26/21) 12. Pfizer’s Japanese Biodistribution study found that lipid nanoparticles from the shot have been found in every organ in the body (possibly carried by lymph), overwhelmingly in the ovaries. So, no, they do not stay localized to the injection site, as we’ve been reassured. (Jun 14/21) 13. We were told spike protein might survive in the human body for about six months. A more recent investigation found the spike protein persisted in recovered COVID patients for 15 months. Who knows how long they will persist with boosters? (Jun 25/21) 14. This peer-reviewed paper said: “best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation versus those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic. The risk of death from COVID-19 decreases drastically as age decreases, and the longer-term effects of the inoculations on lower age groups will increase their risk-benefit ratio, perhaps substantially.” (Sep 17/21) 15. This peer-reviewed paper said: “for 6 deaths prevented by vaccination, there were approximately 4 deaths reported … that occurred after vaccination, yielding a potential risk/benefit ratio of 2:3.” (Aug/21) 16. Pfizer’s own study showed 4X the deaths from cardiac arrest in the group that got the shot. (Sep 15/21) 17. This analysis shows that the NNTV (Number needed to vaccinate) for children aged 5-11 makes the risk-benefit analysis for that age group obscenely high. In the author’s words: “To put it simply… for every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.” 18. The authors of this study found that natural immunity is impaired by taking on vaccinated immunity, making people more vulnerable to new variants. (Sep 27/21) 19. These doctors felt compelled by conscience to write the FDA concerning an alarming number of post-injection injuries and fatalities they’d seen in their ICU ward. And eleven other doctors followed their example. (Nov 1/21) 20. Devastating testimonies by people severely injured by these shots. (Nov 8/21) 21. It’s killing children. The CDC published an analysis of 14 children who died after getting their COVID shots (but failed to include an actual analysis). (Nov 11/21) 22. 17,000 physicians and medical scientists signed a public declaration against vaccinating children for COVID-19 because of the dangerous and potentially fatal consequences of altering the genes to produce toxic spike protein, which could cause irreparable and irreversible damage. (Dec 14/21) 23. VAERS: The CDC’s vaccine surveillance system has just surpassed 1 million adverse event reports (1,016,999 as of 12/31/21) for the COVID vaccines, including 21,382 deaths, making these, by far and away, the deadliest vaccines ever administered. The deaths include 71 children under the age of 18. (Dec 31/21) 24. Nearly a quarter of the deaths (5,252) occurred within the first forty-eight hours following injection. That is not a statistical coincidence or “background noise.” Any student of statistics will tell you this is causation. (Dec 31/21) 25. The CDC admits that adverse events are underreported in VAERS by a factor of 6.5. Multiply the above numbers by 6.5 and you begin to understand the horror of mass injecting entire populaces (and why we don’t do it). (Dec 31/21) 26. Insurance companies are reporting an alarming 40% rise in mortality of working age people (18-64 years old), in 2021, the year of mass vaccination. 27. Independent research conducted by these doctors suggests that “the vast majority of deaths that occur after vaccination are, in fact, caused by the jabs”. (Jan 2/22). You can find their research paper here. 28. This nurse, testifying at a Louisiana House Health and Welfare Committee hearing, said her hospital is witnessing blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, encephalopathy and heart arrhythmia following COVID vaccination, and staff are failing to report anything to the VAERS, and that most medical professionals in her hospital aren’t even aware VAERS exists. (Jan 6/22) 29. This study from Denmark shows negative Omicron efficacy (meaning the vaccinated were MORE susceptible to the virus than the unvaccinated), adding further confirmation that vaccination impairs one’s immunity against new variants. (Jan 7/22) 30. Nobel laureate in medicine Professor Luc Montagnier warns of the prion component of the shots, which are “capable of introducing protein modifications in an unpredictable way. As a doctor I knew 21 people who received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, there is another person who received Moderna. The 21 died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease caused by prions.” (Jan 13/22) 31. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases publishes a paper on the risk of prion disease following the shots. (Jan 18/22) 32. I don’t want myocarditis. 98 studies linking myocarditis with the shots. (Feb 2/22) 33. We’re up to 148 studies (and counting) which highlight the risks of these shots. (Feb 2/22) 34. This Nature Medicine paper shows a clear association with myocarditis after vaccination. (Feb/22) 35. In this preprint study, the authors found that the Pfizer shot downregulated critical mitochondrial functions in the brain. (Mar 2/21) 36. Using the CDC’s own data, we can see that the shots will hospitalize ten times the children (ages 5-11) than it will save. (Mar 18/22) 37. VAERS Update: As of March 25, 2022, VAERS has logged 26,396 COVID jab related deaths. (17,234 from Pfizer shots). Key adverse events reported in massive numbers include miscarriages, heart attacks, myopericarditis, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), shingles, Bell’s palsy and a variety of permanent disabilities, many of which involve neurological dysfunction. (Mar 25/22) 38. A report showing 992 young athletes who have collapsed (and 644 who have died) due to cardiac arrest while playing their sport, since receiving COVID shots. (Apr 26/22) B. Lack of Necessity 1. The COVID mortality rate for my age bracket is 0.08%. About the same odds of accidentally drowning. And that’s only accounting for age. Not even considering other risk factors such as obesity, vit-D deficiency, prior health conditions (none of which I have) so lowers my mortality risk so close to zero it’s not even worth discussing. COVID-19 Mortality Risk for Non-Elderly (Apr 8/20) 2. COVID is way less deadly than we initially thought. German virologist explains. (May 5/20) 3. Doctors have developed early treatment protocols which are effective and safe, and carry none of the risks of the mRNA shots. (Dec/20) 4. Israelis who had an infection were more protected against the Delta coronavirus variant than those who had a vaccine. Science article (which amusingly does its best to include “highly effective” and “vital” as many times as possible, in spite of the research findings.) (Aug 26/21) 5. This study in the European Journal of Immunology demonstrates that natural immunity from prior infection is both durable and longer-lasting than vaccinated immunity. (Sep 27/21) 6. This preprint study shows that recovered immunity is far stronger than vaccinated protection. (Nov 20/21) 7. The Indian province of Uttar Pradesh eradicated their COVID death curve by distributing a care package to their populace consisting of repurposed drugs and supplements. If we really wanted population immunity, we could be doing this. (Jan 15/22) 8. 150 Research studies (and counting) confirm the superiority of naturally-acquired immunity to vaccinated immunity. List of studies as of Feb/22. 9. My age group has a 99.632% recovery rate from COVID. Again, just accounting for age, not considering other health factors and treatments, which tip this number even higher. (Feb 24/22) 10. There are more than 1600 studies showing safety and efficacy of off-the-shelf medicines in dealing with COVID. (Apr 6/22) 11. 72 countries have approved early treatments for COVID. The official US line, of course, is that no such early treatments exist or are to be discussed. (Apr 6/22) C. Lack of Efficacy (It’s not working…) 1. It’s not working #1 ALL of the monkeys in these trials became infected when challenged with the live virus. Hmm. Forbes (May 16/20) 2. It’s not working #2 This CDC paper: “three-quarters of cases occurred in fully vaccinated people.” Also from the same paper: “The viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the coronavirus is similar,” a polite way of saying the vaccine doesn’t reduce viral load. (Aug 6/21) 3. It’s not working #3: This study showed a "marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people." In plain speak: more vaxxed = more cases. Note the position of Israel: they vaxxed earliest and hardest and now are standing at the highest cases in the world. (Aug 17/21) 4. It’s not working #4 Whistleblower data: 90% of the individuals admitted to [the] hospital were documented to have received this vaccine. (Oct 17/21) 5. It’s not working #5: Hospitals are full of vaccinated patients. (Nov 9/21) 6. It’s not working #6: Despite 9 months of shots, 2021 COVID deaths have already surpassed 2020, and that’s only counting up to October. (Nov 22/21) 7. It’s not working #7 Despite massive uptake by the elderly, the elderly death rate has not declined at all. In fact, in the 65 to 74 category, it has increased. (Dec 4/21) 8. It’s not working #8: Despite near 100% vaccination rates in certain countries and states, cases have nevertheless exploded. The vaccines, clearly, do not reduce cases. (Dec 11/21) 9. It’s not working #9, and no wonder, because it cannot work, according to these researchers. The reason: the COVID shots produce the wrong type of antibodies. “Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2.” (Dec 15/21) 10. It’s not working #10: This analysis reiterates: When you are injected with the COVID jab, your body will only induce IgG and circulating IgA — not secretory IgA, and these types of antibodies do not effectively protect your mucous membranes from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Wrong antibodies = no protection. (Dec 18/21) 11. It’s not working #11: COVID outbreak in a fully vaxxed Antarctic research station. (Jan 1/22) 12. It’s not working #12: All-cause mortality is at a historic high, despite a year of the shots. (Jan 3/22) 13. It’s not working #13: COVID outbreaks on fully vaccinated cruise ships. (Jan 4/22) “All 92 cruise ships currently sailing in U.S. waters had people on board infected by COVID-19.” (Jan 6/22) 14. It’s not working #14: The latest UK data reveals that vaccinated individuals comprise the majority of all hospitalizations and deaths in the over-50 group, (Jan 6/22) 15. It’s not working #15: All cause mortality was higher in 2021 (the year of mass vaccination) than 2020 (the year of no vaccination). (Jan/22) D. The Dishonesty of the Actors Involved 1. Rushed-to-market… before there even was a market. Here’s a Nature article warning about not rushing the shipment of COVID vaccines… in March of 2020?? Moderna had already shipped its mRNA vaccine to the NIAID. Unbelievable. (Mar 16/20) 2. Mass vaccinations have a criminal track record: For example, the swine flu vaccine in 2009 led to severe neurological damage and lawsuits in the millions. 3. Peter Doshi, associate editor of the BMJ, criticizes the way the trials are being conducted, rushed, and ill-thought out. (Nov 26/20) 4. One cornerstone of scientific research is that when you run an experimental trial, you run a control group. This tells you if the thing you’re testing for is actually working. However, Pfizer and Moderna eliminated their control groups, which appears to have been deliberate. (I’m all too happy to stay in the control group.) (Feb/21) 5. Relative vs. Absolute Efficacy. Pfizer and Moderna reported relative risk reduction (over the control groups) of 94%-95%. Sounds wonderful, until you calculate the absolute risk reduction (i.e., the risk reduction for the whole population, considered vs. background risk), which turns out to be more like 0.7% to 1%. This is an outcome reporting bias, used to mislead the public. Would most people risk these shots if they knew that they only offered a 0.7% increase in protection? (Feb 26/21) 6. This paper highlights many of the important flaws in the phase III clinical trials: the lack of absolute risk reduction calculations (and consequent reporting bias), conflicting study protocols, conflicting definitions of “case”, which populations were excluded from the trials, which endpoints were being measured, etc. Moreover, the authors point out these studies base their efficacy results only on the presence or not of mild infection not (as we have been told) on preventing hospitalization, severe disease, or death, nor on preventing transmission. (Apr 20/21) 7. Certain physicians are being blocked from filing VAERS reports. So much for monitoring safety signals. (Oct/21) 8. This Yale study, examined the best methods of public messaging to increase vaccine uptake, including safety and effectiveness, before anything could possibly be known about safety and effectiveness. They considered guilt, anger, self interest, duty to society, trust in science, embarrassment, etc. Months of manipulative public messaging and ostracism from your friends and colleagues came from this. (Oct/21) 9. The extremely shady way that Pfizer trials skipped safety protocols, gamed the statistics (by only testing on young healthy people and excluding riskier groups), and completely ignored natural immunity. See this video. 10. The CDC admits that they have no data showing a naturally infected and recovered patient transmitting the virus, despite repeatedly claiming that vaccinated immunity is superior to natural immunity. (Nov 11/21) 11. Pharmacists are being pressured to give the vaccine in the defiance of international laws on informed consent, and without even being informed themselves. (Dec 24/21) 12. The egregious bait and switch that the public fell for: there is no FDA approved vaccine available in the US. The Pfizer “approval” that you heard about in the media was merely an extension of the EUA (emergency use authorization) that makes an experimental drug available in an emergency. The approval was for Comirnaty, not one vial of which is available in the US. So, the unsuspecting public thinks “I’m taking an FDA-approved product”, but the manufacturer gets to still enjoy the liability shield afforded them by the EUA. Neat trick, pharma. (Dec 29/21) 13. Definitional games. By not counting the boosted as "boosted" until 2 weeks after the shot, everyone who gets COVID during this phase, despite the booster, are not counted as "boosted", making the booster look far more effective than it is. (There’s a name for this: it’s called fraud.) (Jan 16/22) 14. Shameless fiddling with efficacy stats, such as dropping all COVID events (cases, hospitalizations, and deaths) if they occur within 14 days of the shot (and misapplying these events to the “unvaccinated” cohort, making them look much worse.) Anything can be made to look wonderful if you ignore all the bad stuff. (Jan 20/22) 15. “The CDC isn’t publishing large portions of the COVID data it collects.” The NY Times article title says it all. They have data that they admit to hiding because it will cause “vaccine hesitancy”. Now, if the vaccine data is wonderful, why would it do that? (Feb 20/22) *NOTE: this is intended as a living document. I’ll be adding points to it as time allows (I have a private list with hundreds upon hundreds of points of evidence to add). I posted it “incomplete” in order to be able to have a quick reference to pull up any time a friend or acquaintance says “You haven’t had your COVID shots??”, as if I had masochistically turned down a direct gift from the gods. If you have a particularly salient point that you feel should be added, please add it to the comments along with a link backing up your claim. I will read it, think about it, and add it as time allows. **NOTE 2: I’m open to reason. If you can convince me a concern that I’ve listed here is not a concern, i.e., that I have misunderstood something or misinterpreted the data or the logic involved, I will remove it. If you get me down to zero, I will take your shot. Good luck. https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/why-i-dont-want-your-shot-updated?s=r https://twitter.com/scholle14000/status/1522708397736484864
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